Web statistics
Web statistics

Your account includes its own log files and detailed web statistics. The statistics are updated daily, and the log files are rotated monthly. We use a program called Webalizer. Visit their home page for details on what it does and ways to customize the reporting.

Please note that statistics are not active until the day after your account has been created. These statistics will show you how many hits your site has received during the current month, how many hits individual pages on your site have received, where hits are coming from, and a lot of other information that might be useful.

If you would like to run your own statistics utility, complete logs files for your domain are kept in the logs directory of your home directory. At the end of each month, the log files are compressed and archived, and new log files are generated. Up to six months of past log files will be archived, and anything older than that will be deleted. So, if you want to keep log files older than six months, you should download them to your local computer.

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